PowerView is evil, but PowerVi and ew are legit, right? - Missing signature-based detections due to PowerShell Script Block Logging Fragmentation

Sigma offers more than 3000 rules for signature-based threat detection. 140 of these rules aim to detect suspicious/malicious PowerShell scripts by looking into PowerShell script block logs. Fragmentation of script blocks during Script Block Logging results in varying number of alerts when loading the same script multiple times. On the one hand, there is a trend of more alerts being generated when the script is split into more fragments (which is fine), but on the other hand, the fragmentation of scripts into blocks may result in missed detections.
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BPF Memory Forensics with Volatility 3

BPF Memory Forensics with Volatility 3 Introduction and Motivation Have you ever wondered how an eBPF rootkit looks like? Well, here’s one, have a good look: Upon receiving a command and control (C2) request, this specimen can execute arbitrary commands on the infected machine, exfiltrate sensitive files, perform passive and active network discovery scans (like nmap), or provide a privilege escalation backdoor to a local shell. Of course, it’s also trying its best to hide itself from system administrators hunting it with different command line tools such as ps, lsof, tcpdump an others or even try tools like rkhunter or chkrootkit.
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Diving into the art of userspace exploitation under Android - Introducing E²VA

Investigating Binary Exploitation for JNI on Android This post aims to be an introduction into a blog series about binary exploitation on Android. It tries to describe how the environment that runs vulnerable modules is set up and how the damnvulnerableapp supports the process of binary exploitation on Android. Warning The following app is intended to be vulnerable to specific attacks and can result in arbitrary code execution in the context of the app.
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friTap - Decrypting TLS on the fly

Encryption - a curse and a blessing at the same time Digital communication in today’s world has a particularly high status in our society. Financial transactions are conducted via online banking, private communication is increasingly limited to digital messenger services, and even health data is experiencing a shift to digital form. Due to the growth of such sensitive digital data, the need for secure transmission of such data has become increasingly important over the past decades.
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Make Frida Great Again

Make Frida Great Again In order to analyse binaries on e.g. Android systems, one is offered a plethora of tools to use to figure out what a binary is doing, whether it is malicious or just buggy. One way to figure out the behaviour of a binary is to utilise the strength of dynamic analysis. Under linux, i.e. Android in particular, Frida is a tool that is used for automated instrumentation of binaries, to inspect memory, function calls etc.
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